Private Lepidoptera researchers contribute to barcoding the Bavarian fauna

Alfred Haslberger

Alfred Haslberger (Teisendorf); working visit of 21.4.2009

Contacting the first few collectors and private researchers outside the ZSM brought a great advance for DNA barcoding of Bavarian Lepidoptera. After nearly completing the work on the family Pyralidae we can estimate that coverage is possible to approx. 60-70% of the existing 3210 Bavarian Lepidoptera species from the collections Alfred Haslberger (Teisendorf), Theo Grünewald (Landshut), and Walter Ruckdeschel (München), who are providing comparatively fresh, identified material from their collections. With this first approach we can cover, on average, thee of the four faunistic regions in Bavaria for the barcoded species. During this year we will contact other collectors with lists of ‘desiderata’ (taxa missing for certain regions or for the whole territory of Bavaria) which will allow to raise species coverage to about 80%. The remaining species will be supplied by collectings in 2009 and 2010, and by material housed in the ZSM collection.

Nach ersten Erfahrungen gehen wir davon aus, DNA-Proben von 80% der bayerischen Schmetterlingsarten aus Privatsammlungen jüngeren Datums bestreiten zu können. Aktuelle Fehllisten werden im Laufe des Jahres erstellt.